Siavash Siv Eftekhari, M.D., DMD


Wisdom Teeth Removal: Does It Need To Happen Now? | Frisco, TX

Wisdom Teeth Removal: Does It Need To Happen Now? | Frisco, TX

Photo By ajr_images at istock

Having wisdom teeth removal is almost a rite of passage for people in their late teens or early 20s. When the third molar comes in, often people don’t have room in their jaws to accommodate these extra teeth, and the crowding or awkward angles that the teeth come in at can cause a lot of problems. While some people don’t have wisdom teeth at all – about 35% of the population is estimated never to have wisdom teeth form – many others do and often have to have them removed.

Today, we’re looking at 13 signs that you need your wisdom teeth removed and 13 things you can expect afterward.

Thirteen Signs You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

If you experience one or more of the 13 indicators, it’s important to see your dentist or oral surgeon in Frisco, TX, right away, so you can have your wisdom teeth removed before you end up with complications.

Swollen or tender gums. As your wisdom teeth grow in, a small flap of gum tissue forms, which can trap bacteria and food debris. These, in turn, can lead to infection and swelling, plus sensitivity in the affected area.


  • Bleeding gums, which you may notice more as you brush in the back of your mouth.


  • Pain at the back of the mouth is one of the most common indicators that your wisdom teeth are coming in. Some people have sharp, sporadic pain, while others may experience a dull ache.


  • Headaches or earaches are little-known symptoms of wisdom teeth forming. The pain in your jaw from crowding or an impacted wisdom tooth can radiate out to your ears or the rest of your head.


  • Jaw swelling can start off mild at first, but if it increases, then you may have trouble with your wisdom teeth.


  • Stiffness and pain when opening and closing your jaw. When your wisdom teeth come in, they can change how your other teeth meet when you bite. This can lead to misalignment with your teeth, which can cause ongoing problems.


  • Persistent sinus issues can occur when the wisdom teeth in your upper jaw start forming. The pressure from the teeth causes sinus pain pressure, congestion, and headaches.


  • Crooked teeth or overcrowding is quite common when wisdom teeth come. There simply isn’t enough room in many people’s mouths for extra teeth. Crowding pushes your teeth together and makes them crooked.


  • Cysts, or sacs of fluid, can form in your mouth near the wisdom teeth. Cysts can cause significant damage to the jaw, teeth, and nerves if the wisdom teeth aren’t removed and cysts treated.


  • Increased number of cavities or tooth infections. Because the back of the jaw may be painful, or the wisdom teeth can cause crowding, many people find it painful to brush and floss as usual. This, in turn, creates an environment for tooth decay.


  • Trouble eating, chewing, and talking. The pain, swelling, and crowding that come along with wisdom teeth forming makes it harder to move your jaw.


  • Halitosis, or bad breath, happens when you have food particles trapped in your mouth or if you have an infection from your wisdom teeth.


  • Pain in the tongue or teeth can happen if the wisdom teeth are coming in at an odd angle.

Thirteen Things That Can Happen After Wisdom Teeth Removal

While the healing process is different for everyone, these are some of the most common aftereffects of wisdom teeth removal.

  • Bleeding is quite common immediately after the wisdom teeth are removed, but then a blood clot forms in the socket. This protects your exposed nerves and jaw after the extraction.


  • Swelling is normal, but you can alleviate it with a hot or cold compress.


  • While most wisdom teeth removal procedures are relatively pain-free, it’s common to have some pain and aching in the jaw after the anesthesia wears off.


  • Difficulty swallowing or a sore throat is fairly common, but trouble breathing isn’t. If you experience this, seek medical attention.


  • Difficulty opening your jaw, or stiffness. Warm, moist compresses can help with the soreness and stiffness, relaxing the muscles.


  • Bruising or discoloration may make your skin appear blue, yellow, or green.


  • A low-grade fever that lasts for about 24-48 hours after the removal of the wisdom teeth is normal; however, you should still alert your dentists about a persistent fever, as it can indicate infection.


  • Lightheadedness is common after any type of surgery, so make sure you take it easy the days following your wisdom teeth removal. It can also be a side effect of your pain medication.


  • Numbness is generally caused by the Novocaine used in the dental procedure, but be careful not to accidentally bite your tongue or inner cheek until it wears off.


  • If you experience nausea or vomiting after your wisdom teeth removal, it may cause the blood clot to dislodge. If this happens, re-apply gauze to the socket.


  • Dry or cracked lips typically happen when your mouth has been stretched out during the procedure.


  • Dry sockets are one of the most painful aftereffects of wisdom teeth removal. It happens when the clot is dislodged or dissolved, exposing the nerves and bone underneath. It can cause severe pain that can travel all the way up to the ear. These are preventable, however, if you follow the aftercare instructions from your dentist.


  • Small holes where the teeth were extracted. However, your mouth will gradually fill with new tissue over the course of a few months.

Schedule Your Wisdom Teeth Removal Today!

If you notice that you’ve experienced several indicators of wisdom teeth forming, it’s time to schedule your dental appointment. Even before you notice the teeth coming in, regular dental visits that include X-rays, your dentist can probably see them forming in your gums. The earlier you remove them, the fewer chances of complications and typically the less pain you experience since the tooth’s root hasn’t fully formed. When you need the best oral surgeon for wisdom teeth removal in Frisco, TX, trust the experts at NextGen OMS. Give us a call today or visit us online to schedule your consultation today!