Siavash Siv Eftekhari, M.D., DMD


Partner With The Top Oral Surgeon | Frisco, TX

Partner With The Top Oral Surgeon | Frisco, TX

Photo By luckyraccoon at Shutterstock

You go to your dentist for all your oral health needs. They take care of simple extractions as well as performing checkups and cleanings. However, in the case of a complicated extraction, your dentist may refer you to an oral surgeon. For instance, third molars — or wisdom teeth as they are called — often fail to emerge beyond the gum line, become infected or crowd other teeth. In these cases, many dentists in Frisco, TX, refer their clients to NextGen OMS. Our surgeon performs complicated extractions and surgeries to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

During the procedure, the surgeon numbs the area surrounding the tooth to prevent you from experiencing pain and discomfort. Extraction of the problem teeth can prevent dental pain in the future and help stop crowding due to the emergence of your wisdom tooth.

Learn about the different kinds of tooth extractions and which ones require the services of an oral surgeon. We also include information on preparing for your tooth extraction.

When Do You Need a Tooth Extraction?

Gum disease, infections, and cavities can penetrate deep into the tooth and require the removal of the affected tooth. Sometimes, an extraction precedes dental implants and other treatment to replace the tooth. Extraction means to remove a tooth. Your dentist or surgeon may recommend an extraction for the following reasons:

  • cavities
  • wisdom teeth complications
  • gum disease
  • preparation for dental prosthesis or braces
  • trauma or injury
  • bone damage
  • dental infections
  • baby teeth that do not come out on their own

When You Need an Oral Surgeon

In many cases, your dentist can remove a tooth during a regular office visit. You may need surgery when the tooth’s size, position, or shape make it too difficult to remove without extreme pain and discomfort. Extractions are classified as surgical or simple. Simple extractions involve teeth that are above the gumline and in a normal position. Surgical extractions may require breaking the tooth up in some pieces prior to removal. The surgeon may also have to remove bone, gum tissue, and infected material.

For most people, wisdom teeth erupt above the gumline last. Often, they do not fully emerge or are impacted below the gums. Oral surgeons extract wisdom teeth for a variety of reasons.

How Do You Prepare for Extraction Surgery?

You will have a consultation prior to dental extraction or oral surgery. At this time, the doctor collects your medical history and learns about any medication that you are currently taking. You will receive instruction on whether or not to take your medication on the day of the procedure. If the doctor prescribes medication to take after the surgery, be sure to fill it prior to the procedure.

Here are some of the instructions you may receive, depending on your specific circumstances:

  • Stop taking any blood thinners.
  • Start taking antibiotics. In some cases, your surgeon may prescribe antibiotics prior to a wisdom tooth or other extraction. For example, you might have an infection with symptoms such as a fever or swelling. People with certain heart conditions may also require antibiotics prior to a surgical extraction.

Anesthesia Administered

Prior to oral surgery, you will receive some form of anesthetic. Depending on the nature of your surgery or personal preference, you may also receive a sedative. During the procedure, you will not feel any pain and the effects typically last a few hours following your extraction.

Extraction Procedure Under the Care of an Oral Surgeon

X-rays taken before the extraction help the surgeon evaluate the angle and curvature of the root and placement of the tooth in your mouth. Once the surgeon determines the best way to remove the tooth, they will begin the procedure.

It takes a few minutes for the local anesthetic to take effect, numbing the area. If the tooth is still below the gum, the doctor may need to cut into the gum and remove any bone blocking access to the tooth. Although you won’t feel pain during the procedure, you will probably feel some pressure as the surgeon works to break up or remove the tooth. Depending on the position of the tooth, you may also hear cracking and grinding as the oral surgeon manipulates the tooth for removal. Unfortunately, some patients do find this experience a bit unpleasant. (With a local anesthetic and sedation, you won’t experience this part.)

If you experience any discomfort or pain, the surgeon will apply more numbing agents immediately.

Following the extraction, the surgeon closes the incision with stitches and pads the area with a thick layer of gauze. You then bite down on the gauze to apply pressure, start the clotting process and allow the gauze to absorb the blood.

What to Expect During Recovery from Oral Surgery in Frisco, TX

Follow any instructions received from the surgeon to ensure that your tooth and mouth heal properly following surgery.

Change the dental gauze as directed. The gauze initially packed in by the surgeon should stay in place for up to 30 minutes to promote clotting. Bite down with firm pressure for several minutes to help begin the clotting process. Once you arrive home, you will need to change the gauze whenever it becomes saturated with blood. This could go on for one or two days. If you have any questions or the bleeding doesn’t stop, call our office right away.

Controlling Pain

After the anesthetic wears off, you may begin to feel some pain. The oral surgeon will recommend over the counter medication or provide a prescription to help you control pain. You will probably also experience some facial swelling. Apply a covered ice pack to help bring down the swelling. It’s important to avoid contact with the area and to take additional precautions the day following your procedure.

You will receive specific instructions but, in general, you should avoid the following:

  • touching the area with your tongue
  • using a straw
  • eating hard foods
  • spitting
  • drinking alcohol or using mouthwash with alcohol
  • smoking

Brushing and Flossing

You can brush and floss normally, avoiding the extraction area. The oral surgeon will provide any additional instructions for oral hygiene following your wisdom tooth or other extraction.

Contact NextGen OMS with any questions you have about our oral surgeon and specific procedures that we handle. We look forward to helping you and also offer maxillofacial and head and neck surgical solutions. Dr. Eftekhari has many years of experience in this area of expertise.